译者: 林妙倩、戴亦仑 原创翻译作品,如果需要转载请取得翻译作者同意。
数据来源:ATT&CK Matrices
原文: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1509
术语表: /attack/glossary
Adversaries may use non-standard ports to exfiltrate information.
ID编号: T1509
战术类型: 事后访问设备
策略: 命令与控制
平台: Android,iOS
名称 | 描述 |
Exodus(S0405) | Exodus(S0405)两次尝试连接到端口22011以提供远程反向外壳。 |
FlexiSpy(S0408) | FlexiSpy(S0408)可以通过端口12512和12514与命令和控制服务器进行通信。 |
Name | Description |
Exodus(S0405) | Exodus(S0405) Two attempts to connect to port 22011 to provide a remote reverse shell. |
FlexiSpy(S0408) | FlexiSpy(S0408) can communicate with the command and control server over ports 12512 and 12514. |
减轻 | 描述 |
应用审查 | 应用程序审查报告可以显示由应用程序执行的网络通信,包括主机,端口,协议和URL。 |
Mitigation | Description |
Application Vetting | Application vetting reports may show network communications performed by the application, including hosts, ports, protocols, and URLs. |
Detection would most likely be at the enterprise level, through packet and/or netflow inspection. Many properly configured firewalls may also naturally block command and control traffic over non-standard ports.