OroPlatform is a PHP Business Application Platform (BAP) designed to make development of custom business applications easier and faster. Path Traversal is possible in `Oro\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\FileManager::getTemporaryFileName`. With this method, an attacker can pass the path to a non-existent file, which will allow writing the content to a new file that will be available during script execution. This vulnerability has been fixed in version 5.0.9.
OroPlatform is a PHP Business Application Platform (BAP) designed to make development of custom business applications easier and faster. Path Traversal is possible in `Oro\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\FileManager::getTemporaryFileName`. With this method, an attacker can pass the path to a non-existent file, which will allow writing the content to a new file that will be available during script execution. This vulnerability has been fixed in version 5.0.9.