SQL injection vulnerability found in PrestaShop themevolty v.4.0.8 and before allow a remote attacker to gain privileges via the tvcmsblog, tvcmsvideotab, tvcmswishlist, tvcmsbrandlist, tvcmscategorychainslider, tvcmscategoryproduct, tvcmscategoryslider, tvcmspaymenticon, tvcmstestimonial components.
SQL injection vulnerability found in PrestaShop themevolty v.4.0.8 and before allow a remote attacker to gain privileges via the tvcmsblog, tvcmsvideotab, tvcmswishlist, tvcmsbrandlist, tvcmscategorychainslider, tvcmscategoryproduct, tvcmscategoryslider, tvcmspaymenticon, tvcmstestimonial components.